We Were Non Monogamous, So Why Did My Husband Still Lie to Me About Someone He Was Dating?

Sometimes the truth is hard to tell and hear

Liz Sinclair
9 min readJan 11, 2022
Photo by Lux Graves on Unsplash

Last year, my husband and I took a pause in our non monogamy because of COVID and the need to social distance, and because of a temporary job relocation that moved us away from our “usual life”. That pause gave me some time and space to reflect on our first year of non monogamy. No doubt, it was a rollercoaster of a year and we learned a lot about ourselves and each other in the process. But there’s something that happened during our first year of an open relationship that continues to gnaw at me. Something that I have not quite healed from. It all started with a lie.

In a previous story (here) I described something that triggered a whole lot of jealousy. My husband’s ongoing relationship with a 27 year old woman made me feel very inadequate and vulnerable. I definitely responded to that jealousy with less maturity than I wish I had. I was at times hostile, I withheld affection, I pouted, I gave ultimatums. Yep, definitely not my finest moment. No gold star for me on how I handled the situation.

Since, I have been trying to read more on jealousy and to better understand why I reacted to the situation so strongly. My trigger was definitely the age difference and the…



Liz Sinclair

Ordinary, middle-aged, university educated, working mother of three in a long-term loving marriage. Oh, and also non monogamous.